David Turner Fund Raiser

David Turner Fund Raiser

  • As many of you know David Turner was in a tragic accident on 10/17/24 while he was out of state in Gilbert, Louisiana.. Davids accident left him fighting for his life and left him paralyzed from the waist down.

    David is still recovering in the hospital in Louisiana with is wife Ashley by his side after a tragic accident. He’s very lucky to be alive but he’s not out of the woods yet.

    Paralyzed from the waist down. What would you do if you could no longer walk, dance, ride a bike, need assistance with everyday needs that we all take for granted?

    When we get married we take a vow to be with that person in sickness and in health, good times and bad times. Ashley and David have had some great times and now they are in some bad times but they aren’t giving up on each other and we aren’t giving up on them but they need our help.

    How can you help David, Ashley and his family while they go through this life changing event?

    Please donate if you can help. There's going to be a lot of things that David & Ashley are going to need to get their home and vehicle’s ready for David to have as much as a normal life he can have. First thing is to get David back to Michigan.

    All funds are going to help the family with the extra expenses involved while they work through this with your help. It’s crazy on how any contribution you can give turns into a miracle for David, his family and friends.

0.00% Raised
$0.00 donated
0 Donors
XX Days Left
Donated: 0.00%
Goal: $40,000.00
We utilize Stripe for Credit Card Processing

If you are more comfortable using GoFundMe you can click on this link. Since GoFundMe takes 2.9% + .30 of each donation, we created this donation page so the family gets 100% of the amount donated. We keep nothing in hopes to get David home.

Cowboy Denny

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