Does NO PREP RACING Count As My No Name Nationals Tune-Up? #noprep #nonamenationals #mopar

Does NO PREP RACING Count As My No Name Nationals Tune-Up? #noprep #nonamenationals #mopar

I’ve done more No Prep events now so far this year than bracket racing. I do aim to change that stat at least for 2023. But first, how bout that No Prep event? I believe it was the inaugural event. No idea yet if it will become an annual deal.
It took place at Sage Raceway, an 1/8th mile strip west if Idaho Falls, Idaho in the middle of miles of farmland. The event was called Clash Of The States. We got in due to the competing of index classes, the only way we could be competitive in this side of drag racing. It was…eventful to say the least.

#noprep #noprepracing #noprepdragracing #racetracks #dragracing #mopar #moparornocar #moparmuscle #viral #goviral #moparperformance #dodgedart #nonamenationals #bigblockmopar #440


Be sure to check us out elsewhere on ye olde internet. So far we’re hanging out on the Instagram and the Facetubes.


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